🎍This time Norka shows you the preparation of a truly spectacular nail art with stamping and aquarelle paint. She selects different stamping patterns of Stamping plate No. 106 Picturesque. Base colour is SuperShine No. 582 Pearl, one of Norka's favourites. You could get used to it that she often decorates on natural base colours, plants look good on them.
🎨After stamping Norka paints the free places with aquarelle paint. There's no need for talent, the only thing to take care is the right dilution of the paint. Then some parts are hihglighted with black, no-wipe gel.
🌅Norka suggests painting on a matte base always. With some practice you will also be able to prepare such a wonderful nail decoration. With these nature-like motifs we can create any design based on the length of the nails. Create this fabulous nail art inspired by nature which shows a beautiful sunset at the sea side!
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Ivey Maria
5 months ago
Gorgeous design. Thank you for the inspiration.
Hegedűs Tamásné
about 1 year ago
Szuper, imádom Norka munkájit.
Kenyherc-Tiba Edit
over 2 years ago
Gyönyörű tájkép pillanatok alatt. Mostmar tudom mire használni az aqvarell Palettámat. Köszönöm szépen 😊🥰
Tatár Andrea
over 2 years ago
Gyönyörű! Imádom Norka munkáit!
Blaschtik-Bagonyi Evelin
over 2 years ago
Gyönyörű, azt hiszem Norka díszítései állnak hozzám a legközelebb. A videó felénél azt hittem kész, aztán kiemelés kontúrozás körvonalak és ez az aprólékosság ami széppé varázsolja
Odita Seila
over 2 years ago
A beautiful, beautiful design
Moldoványi Edit
over 2 years ago
Nagyon jó technika, szépséges eredmény!
Buda Boglárka
over 2 years ago
Nagyon szép, akar nyomdával is megoldható a lz ombre effekt, ha valaki nem akar beruházni akvarell festék megvételére.
Di Vittorio Stefania
over 2 years ago
This is art, it’s beautiful! I’m loving watercolor with stamping, thanks!
van Heulen Nathalie
over 2 years ago
Love the sunset designs
Pretty Noona
over 2 years ago
Beautifully designed and easy to follow each technique. Nicely done 🤗💕💅💕
Friedrich Inka
over 2 years ago
Gorgeous! ❥I worked with watercolours on my own nails only yesterday and really like the result. So I'm glad to see this other great suggestion of what else you can do with watercolours. Thank you very much! (❁´◡`❁)✲
over 2 years ago
ce design a depuis l'année dernière beaucoup de succès -Merci-
International nail art educator
Welcome to nailstamping.com. Now I should write something about me in a given length. Honestly, it makes me itty-bitty difficulty. If I am placed within definite bounds, I do not feel free. In contrast, in the nail art I have found the unlimited freedom. It can be a beautiful, hand-painted flower or a stamped design, creating something, only the imagination limits its boundaries. |