Szalay Andrea Norka

Norka's hand-painted aquarelle flower

23 minutes video 8 rating Moblie friendly Advanced English Rewatchable multiple times

About This Course

🦋In this video Norka is showing you how special effect can be reached with aquarelle paint. Truly special painting-like work can be prepared with the help of Mijello for Moyra watercolour paint. Watch Norka's motions and practice the tehcnique she is showing in the video! Norka creates the contours with pale lines, then fills them. Then she makes the final shape and veins of the petals with an interesting solution, with dots and white contouring.

🌸Norka shows you all steps in the right order and the tools as well. Watch this video and you will also be able to prepare this wonderful nail art. It can be created on a base of gel, gel polish and acrylics. Try with other colours and in other composition too!


Norka's hand-painted aquarelle flower - Preview Preview 00:38
Norka's hand-painted aquarelle flower
Norka's hand-painted aquarelle flower 23:17

User Ratings

Ivey Maria
5 months ago
Wow! This is a miniature work of art. My hat off to you! You never fail to astonish me with you work. I have always loved watercolor art, but what you do in such a small space is incredible.
Odita Seila
over 2 years ago
Beautiful. Thank you
Pretty Noona
over 2 years ago
Absolutely stunning, Norka I love how you create hand painted flowers using the aquarelle. You always leave me wanting more manicures from you. Thank you for sharing with me.
Tatum Kerry
over 3 years ago
Nice. Thank you.
Friedrich Inka
over 3 years ago
My heart bleeds a little... The design is simply wonderful, as it always is when Norka creates them ❥ But there is also a big but: What is wrong with the camera work and the (in my opinion) far too many cuts in this tutorial? The camera is often too far away from the tip to even see what Norka is painting. Moreover, the video cuts are sometimes very inconveniently chosen before decisive steps (an example: Norka sketches the basic motif in fine strokes on the tip, but several times you can't see how she got from one stage of work to the "next but one" stage of work, because there is a cut in between and the camera perspective has also changed...). How can one even begin to rework the design after this instructions? This is really a great pity, because I would have loved to try this watercolor design so much... (。•́︿•̀。)
Arany Ágnes Arany Ágnes
Dear Inka, thank you for your feedback! You are right, we corrected what we could. We loaded up a longer version, hopefully you will be able to follow the painting process with this version. ♡
Di Vittorio Stefania
over 3 years ago
Amazing! Thank you Norka!
Tamás Fruzsi
over 3 years ago
Szép nagyon de sajnos legtöbbször nem látni a teljes tipet, csak így oldalról..
Arany Ágnes Arany Ágnes
Kedves Fruzsi! Köszönjük a visszajelzést, valóban kicsit túl sok lett kivágva a videóból most, javítottuk, feltöltöttünk egy hosszabb verziót, remélhetőleg így már könnyebb lesz követni az eseményeket ღ
over 3 years ago
Magnifique ! très beau design Merci


International nail art educator

Welcome to Now I should write something about me in a given length. Honestly, it makes me itty-bitty difficulty. If I am placed within definite bounds, I do not feel free. In contrast, in the nail art I have found the unlimited freedom. It can be a beautiful, hand-painted flower or a stamped design, creating something, only the imagination limits its boundaries.
As international nail art educator, I have been showing to thousands of my colleagues in many countries around the world the possibilities of the nail art, since 2009. My most popular nail art educations are the aquarelle painting, different gel painting and combined salon stamping courses.
According to others, my works are specified by precision, detailed craftmanship and constant renewing. Due to the you can also get some preview of my nail decorations. As international educator and product developer of Moyra Hungary, I guarantee that using our products, a new, more colourful world is waiting for you in the nail art.